Annotating Poetry

Happy summer everyone,

this Thursday will be the Annotating Poetry group’s first meeting.
We meet Thursdays 12-2 pm (c.t.) in room 465 of the Brechtbau (Neuphilologikum). Since it is the summer term, make sure you check that it is not a national holiday, before you decide to join one of our meetings!

There will be two block sessions, in cooperation with the Annotating The Chimes group: May 11th and June 1st.

I am looking forward to hearing all about your favourite poems.
See you on Thursday,


Annotating “The Chimes”

Hello everyone,

I am happy to announce another semester of annotating Charles Dickens’ The Chimes. Check out our TEASys Viewer for some of the annotations that were finished last term.
Starting this week, our group sessions will be Thursdays 4-6 pm (c.t.) in room 465 of the Brechtbau (Neuphilologikum) and there will be 2 block sessions on May 11th and June 1st.

I am looking forward to another semester of fruitful discussions with you.
Until then, best wishes,


Annotating “The Knight of the Burning Pestle”

Dear all,

Sadly, the Annotating “The Knight of the Burning Pestle” Group is still on pause this semester.

If you are still interested in joining this group at a later point, or if you would like to try out one of the other two groups. Please contact us via email: annotating-literature [at]

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Annotating Poetry

Welcome back everyone,

I am looking forward to another semester of annotating different poems with you! The Annotating Poetry group will be meeting Tuesdays 12-2 p.m. (c.t.) in room 465 of the Neuphilologikum. There will also be two block sessions on November 11th and 26th, these sessions will be together with the Annotating “The Chimes” group.

The first session will be next week, Tuesday Nov. 7th. If you have any questions or want to join, please contact me at annotating-literature [at]

See you there,


Annotating “The Knight of the Burning Pestle”

Dear all,

unfortunately, we have to inform you that the Annotating “The Knight of the Burning Pestle” group will not be meeting this semester.

If you are still interested in joining this group at a later point, or if you would like to try out one of the other two groups. Please contact us via email: annotating-literature [at]

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Annotating “The Chimes”

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to another semester of annotating! I am happy announce that the Annotating Charles Dickens group will continue its sessions this winter, with me as a new mentor. Our meetings will be Mondays 4-6 p.m. (c.t.) in room 029 of the Neuphilologikum. There will also be two block sessions together with the Annotating Poetry group on November 11th and 26th.

The weekly sessions will start next week on November 6th and I am looking forward to meeting everyone. If you’re interested in joining our group this semester, please contact me via email at annotating-literature [at]

Until then, best wishes,


Annotating “The Knight of the Burning Pestle”

Dear all, 

I am excited to welcome you to this year’s summer term! We will meet for our introduction session on Friday, May 12th at 12 p.m. in room 465 of the Brechtbau. After that we will meet for two block sessions on May 20th and June 3rd from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (c.t.) to focus on the theory of annotating, practical tips on academic writing and for accompanying writing workshops. This will be followed by weekly meetings Fridays from 12-2 p.m., also in room 465 (Brechtbau). At the end of the semester we will have another block session to finish up your writing goals.

Students interested in joining please contact me by email: annotating-literature [at]

Happy to see you there,


Annotating Poetry

Dear all, 

Welcome to the new semester! Our group will meet for the introduction session on Tuesday, May 9th at 6 p.m. in room 465 of the Brechtbau. After that we will meet for two block sessions on May 20th and June 6th from 9a.m. to 6p.m. (c.t.) to focus on the theory of annotating, practical tips on academic writing and for accompanying writing workshops. This will be followed by weekly meetings Tuesdays from 6-8 p.m., also in room 465 of the Brechtbau.

Students interested in joining please contact me by email: annotating-literature [at]

Hope to see you there,


Annotating “The Chimes”

Dear all, 

I hope you’ve had a good start into the new semester! We will meet for our introduction session on Tuesday, May 9th at 4 p.m. in room 135 of the Brechtbau. After that we will meet for two block sessions on May 20th and June 3rd from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (c.t.) to focus on the theory of annotating, practical tips on academic writing and for accompanying writing workshops. This will be followed by weekly meetings Tuesdays from 4-6 p.m. again in room 135.

Students interested in joining please contact me by email: annotating-literature [at]

Looking forward to seeing you there,


Annotating The Knight of The Burning Pestle

Hey everyone!

I am happy to announce that we will meet for block sessions again this semester on November 19th and December 3rd from 9a.m. to 6 p.m.. After that we meet regularly on Wednesdays from 6-8 p.m.. There will also be an introductory session on Monday, November 16th. Students interested in joining please contact me by email:

annotating-literature [at]

Looking forward to seeing you there,
