Annotating Poetry Meetings

Dear all,

Since the current situation still does not permit us to meet in person every week, as we would usually do, we will continue with the “Corona Special Edition” of our Peer Learning groups. For the summer semester, we will meet on Wednesdays, 12-2 p.m. (c.t.). There will be an introductory session for those new to the group on Wednesday, May 12. Students interested in joining please contact me by email:

annotating-literature [at]

Looking forward to seeing you there,


Annotating Poetry Meetings

Dear all,

Since the current situation still does not permit us to meet in person every week, as we would usually do, we will continue with the “Corona Special Edition” of our Peer Learning groups. For the winter semester, I will be offering Online Open Office Hours on Thursdays from 6 to 8 p.m. in which we can either video call or chat live to work on our annotations together and answer all of your questions. There will be an introductory session for those new to the group on Thursday, Nov. 19. Students interested in joining please contact me by email:

annotating-literature [at]

Looking forward to seeing you there,


Annotating “The Knight of the Burning Pestle” Meetings

Dear all,

Since the current situation still does not permit us to meet in person every week, as we would usually do, we will continue with the “Corona Special Edition” of our Peer Learning groups. For the winter semester, I will be offering Online Open Office Hours on Fridays from 2 to 4 p.m. in which we can either video call or chat live to work on our annotations together and answer all of your questions. There will be an introductory session for those new to the group on Friday, Nov. 20. Students interested in joining please contact me by email:

annotating-literature [at]

Looking forward to seeing you there,


Annotating “The Knight of the Burning Pestle” Corona Special

Dear all,

Since the current situation does not permit us to meet in person every week, as we would usually do, we have developed a “Corona Special Edition” of our Peer Learning groups. Until further notice, I will be offering Online Open Office Hours on Fridays from 10am to 12pm in which we can either video call or chat live to work on our annotations together and answer all of your questions. Students interested in joining please contact me by email:

annotating-literature [at]

Looking forward to seeing you there,


Annotating Poetry Meetings “Corona Special”

Dear all,

Since the current situation does not permit us to meet in person every week, as we would usually do, we have developed a “Corona Special Edition” of our Peer Learning groups. Until further notice, I will be offering Online Open Office Hours on Tuesdays from 6pm to 8pm in which we can either video call or chat live to work on our annotations together and answer all of your questions. Students interested in joining please contact me by email:

annotating-literature [at]

Looking forward to seeing you there,


Next Group Meeting – Annotating The Knight of the Burning Pestle

Hello everyone!

Our next meeting will take place on Monday, February 3rd in the university library (Wilhelmstr. 32) in room 420 from 16:15 to 17:45. If you couldn’t make it to our last few sessions, don’t worry, we can get you all caught up and continue (or start) working on your annotations. Also, we’re working on additional meetings during the break and as soon as the dates are finalized, I’ll announce them here our website.

Best wishes


Next Group Meeting – Annotating The Knight of the Burning Pestle

Dear all,

our next annotating “The Knight of the Burning Pestle” group meeting
will be next Monday, January 27th from 16:15 to 17:45 pm in room 420
in the university library (Wilhelmstr.32). If you couldn’t make it to
our last session, don’t worry, we can get you all caught up and
continue (or start) working on your annotations.

See you then!


Next Group Meeting- Annotating The Knight of the Burning Pestle

Dear all,

our next annotating “The Knight of the Burning Pestle” group meeting
will be next Monday, January 13th from 16:15 to 17:45 pm in room 420
in the university library (Wilhelmstr.32). If you couldn’t make it to
our last session, don’t worry, we can get you all caught up and
continue (or start) working on your annotations.

See you then!
